Thread: Cryptozoology?
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Old 04-12-2018, 08:53 AM   #11
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Not necessarily crypto -

Last weekend I drove to the the end of a trail, a wash, actually. There was a big rockfall that blocked it so I parked and climbed over it and started hiking up the wash to see what I could see.

I felt something was watching me and scanned to my right, up the canyon wall. Didn't see anything. Then I scanned to my left and immediately saw skylined a couple bighorn sheep. One was a ram with his horns all askew, like some kind of freak, and the other a female. I had my phone on me and tried to get a picture, but about the time I pointed it at them and zoomed in, they turned and left. A few moments later, the female came back to watch me. I didn't see that crazy looking ram again, though.


"The truly dangerous man dresses inconspicuously and is soft- spoken. He walks away from most confrontations. The only time you learn that the truly dangerous man is mad at you is a split second before you die, for he never fights. He only kills. The truly dangerous man knows that fighting is what children do and killing is what men do." - Charley Reese 1986
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