Thread: Invasion
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Old 03-13-2018, 05:54 PM   #1
Join Date: Dec 2014
Posts: 315
Default Invasion

My forefathers were in the militia before we were a country. The militia existed at least one-hundred fifty years before the Lexington-Concord battles in 1775. General Gage had sent 700 redcoats to confiscate the guns, powder and munitions stored in Concord. It was that attempt to confiscate the arms of the militia that led to the founding of our country. There was no Army at that time and militiamen killed half of the redcoats. But a prominent militiaman, George Washington later became commander of the newly formed Continental Army. Madison and Hamilton discussed the militia extensively in the Federalist Papers as did the Anti-Federalists in their own writings. Hamilton, a federalist, did not support a Bill of Rights. The Anti-Federalists supported and formed the Bill of Rights and hence we have a Constitution and a country. Thanks mostly to Virginia.

Militiamen have responded to the call of duty throughout our history. Initially all able bodied men between ages 16-60 were to muster with their own weapons and ammunition. Beginning with the Civil War countless numbers of companies and entire regiments were formed as militia.

The authority to draft men for military service comes from Militia acts as described and the constitution, i.e., "The Congress shall have Power to provide for organizing, arming, and disciplining the Militia . . ."

The Supreme Court, recently in the Heller case, ruled that all rights as described in the constitution, are individual rights including the right to keep and bear arms and that that "right shall not be infringed," and that right is independent of the Militia.

Importantly, Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution says, "The Congress shall have Power To provide for calling forth the Militia to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions."

Not only have our schools been invaded by armed invaders, so too has our country across our southern border. Next our states, counties, cities and towns have been invaded.

In 1910 the Congress described the Militia as being in two parts: The Organized Militia, or the National Guard, and the Unorganized Militia, i.e., the rest of us.

Those who have difficulty finding the right to self defense need look no farther than the 9th Amendment that says, ""The enumeration in the Constitution, of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people."

It is time for Congress to call forth the Militia, both Organized and Unorganized, to repel invasion.

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